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Nancy Kern
Intuition gets stronger when you attune to the receptive centers in your body. New possibilities open when you harmonize your personality with your Higher Self. Your connection to Source carries you along in a flow state as you surf the moving edge of life unfolding.
“Tying rocks to clouds” means receiving the stability of nourishing Earth energies deep in your bones, while adapting to change, which is in our nature as living Beings.
Simple idea. Not always easy to live.
We are made of Space and Matter. We are children of Earth and Infinite Cosmos. When you align with your Higher Self, or Being, life is rich and fulfilling. This doesn’t mean that life always easy or nothing “bad” ever happens. It means you are living YOUR life, not someone else’s.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve seen colored light around people and sensed waves of colored light flowing through and around me. For me, seeing is visceral. I feel color as a palpable healing force—and help my clients feel this.
As wonderful as my gifts are, they created challenges for me, at school, at home and in church. I didn’t fit in. I wondered why no one else seemed to see what I saw, or feel what I felt. Many people interested in my work have told me they felt that way too.
In my work with clients, the boundaries of separation soften temporarily, for a higher purpose of transmitting and receiving healing energy. You can experience sacred space in surprising places–your own body, and of course, your heart. Where once there was trauma and pain, instead comes wisdom, insight and compassion.
At 23, life opened me to the raw, overwhelming power of Source energy, through a momentous experience that blew open the false self I’d created to merely survive. The formless realms opened before me, like clouds parting, and pulled me into an unknown space when I had a shared death experience with my sister.
I was working as a midwife at the time. I birthed my son at home on a sunny Sunday afternoon in January 1978. Like new mothers everywhere, I was exhausted, exhilarated and awed by the appearance of a tiny Being dependent on me. I was in awe of his actual presence outside the womb. He seemed to come out of “nowhere.” The journey from growing a baby inside the womb to escorting him out of my body with my own hands is epic. Holding a small human being to my heart, and being flooded with fierce love like I’d never known before was a quantum leap.
During labor, there was a time when my contractions stalled. It was during those same hours that my younger sister took her life. My body knew what my mind could not receive, and refused to open up further. I walked around a long block, took a warm shower, ate some yogurt and did some yoga postures, at which point my labor restarted. Later, I learned from the coroner’s report that my beloved sister died during the time my labor stopped.
This was my first experience of death, of someone I knew and loved deeply.
The shock threw me out of my body. I felt a force that was “me” shoot out of the top of my head. Later, I learned that from a yogic perspective, I’d had a kundalini crisis, where energy shoots up the spinal cord, rising rapidly, at great force, from the first chakra at the base of the spine to the crown at the top of the head. A part of my soul left my body.
At the age of 23, I wasn’t sure that ‘soul’ actually existed. I’d never heard of kundalini, or near death or shared death experiences. I’d recently graduated from college on the dean’s list, and was still recovering my inner life, after 4 intense years of competitive test taking and living in my my head. Over the next 2 years, I made repeated journeys into the astral planes, searching for her. I sensed she was unwell and needed help. I heard her calling my name, again and again.
I traveled back and forth through the portal, without words for what I was doing, as I searched for her soul. I felt an urgent call to help her.
At the same time, my son needed me. I would come back to my body, to care for him. Even though it was hard to leave her, I felt clear that my baby’s needs came first. To nurse him and care for him, I had to be in my body.
Like many who die suddenly, violently or under the influence of drugs, my sister got stuck in a limbo space. She was neither alive, nor resting in peace. Eventually, I was able to help her move on to what the Tibetans call the Pure Land, and what Christians call Heaven. This was my first experience of psychopomp work, and it would be many years before I knew there was a word for helping souls cross over.
Through my direct experience of birth and death coinciding, in a volcanic rush of raw energy, I vividly felt the power of birth. I was wide open. My sister’s sudden, unexpected death was a shock and strongly imprinted in my neurobiology.
I felt I was being supported by unseen helpers and guides. I was seeing that ‘reality’ is impermanent. At times, I could see through walls. Although I didn’t have language for my experience, when I began a Buddhist meditation practice, I began to learn about impermanence. I was experiencing that non-human beings actually exist in the formless realms, and that birth and death are, from a higher perspective, simply periods of embodying form or formlessness.
The concept of form arising from formlessness and then becoming formless again is an ancient esoteric teaching. I’d never heard of it before, but there I was, living it. My sudden introduction to such lofty, abstract concepts was experiential and overwhelming. Being able to put my experience into words took many years. When people ask me “how this all works,” my answer is, “I don’t know. It’s a mystery. And if anyone tells you that they know exactly how all this works–run the other way!”
Part of my work is crafting words to convey concepts and energy transmissions that are wordless. I’m here to reassure you about your own innate goodness and worthiness, and to support you developing your sensitivity and intuition in a grounded way.
It was during this time as a young mother that I was tapped by the Akashic Records, which is one of the pillars on which my work stands. You can read about that here.
Since childhood, I’ve received Guidance from loving spiritual Beings. They’ve helped me overcome hardships. As I gradually accepted my worthiness to receive, I was able to accept the vastness of the consciousness that animates life.
Painting can be an ecstatic experience. And, sometimes it is painful, full of struggle and doubt. At times when I merge with my Higher Self, I’ve know I am guided by a vast creative force, the same force that guides the healing work I do.
Working with color as liquid light, and sensing its bodily effects, I felt spaces open as I mixed and applied color to paper and canvas. Along with 15 years doing hands-on healing, I learned how to paint my clients with colored light from the imaginal realms, with laser focus in the body and Light baths around the body.
Over hundreds of hours spent in the studio, my concentration deepened and my perceptions became keener. Although I completed a graduate degree in painting and won various awards for my work, an academic art education was not nourishing. I was driven by spiritual thirst—not professional concerns. I don’t see art as a business career, but rather as a nourishing spiritual and somatic practice.
In 1997, 10 years after completing graduate school, I began to study the Akashic Record with Mary Parker. Mary taught me how to give readings and encouraged me to teach. She was very kind to me. But less than five years into my studies with her, my guides in the Akashic called me to move on.
Over time, it became clear to me how important our bodies are as spiritual instruments. I access the Akashic through merging with formless space on several levels: within our bodies, within the environment of earth and the vast cosmos – and the in-between spaces that permeate forms and link them. I spoke to my teacher, Mary, about this and she encouraged me to trust my guidance, saying, “Working in the body…. I never even thought of that. That is for you to bring in.”
Akasha means “space.” Space is the essence of All That Is.
For some ten years, I had a flourishing Cranial-Sacral Therapy practice, and before that, Polarity Energy Balancing. I helped people release suppressed emotions that were causing breakdowns in their health. I opened spaces to encourage healing, seeing my role as a synapse. My job was to flow energy through my hands—to trigger the soul to facilitate the mending of everything from broken bones to broken hearts. I am grateful to every one of my clients who trusted me with their needs and helped me develop skills I continue to build on.
In 2004, I discovered I could work effectively across the room or over the phone. Over the next 3 years, I developed Body Prayers to direct energy through colored Light, language and energy flows.
I transitioned to full time spiritual coaching in 2007.
How I Began
In childhood, I spent joyful hours singing to the roses in my parents’ garden. Alone with the flowers and bees, Love that transcended the limitations of human love washed over me, soothing and inspiring me.
Growing up in the Texas panhandle in the 1950’s, the culture was in marked contrast to my solitary spiritual experiences, where I felt a deep sense of Home. My family called me a dreamer. I wasn’t “all there.”
I learned to hide my inner riches. Suppressing my connection to Source led to breakdowns in my health. By the time I graduated from Rice University at the age of twenty, I was ill much of the time – with migraine headaches, allergies, anxiety, confusion and digestive upsets.
In painting class my senior year, I discovered color. Using brushes, sponges, my hands – color poured like liquid light through my Being. My spirit awakened in a brilliant flash – I felt my heart leap up, grab onto a ring of golden light and lift off the merry-go-round of living life to please other people. I knew then that color was fundamental to meaning in my life. My search for wholeness took me into the arts as pathways to healing and healing as a form of art.
I hungered to understand the mystery of subtle energies in the physical world. My desire for coherence between physical, emotional, mental and spiritual emerged. The passion ignited four decades ago burns brightly today.
More and more people recognize that our bodies are not mere mechanical things. Our bodies are resonant energy fields, which can be tuned by Absolute Love or whatever else we turn our attention to.
Every session with me functions as a tuning fork for your embodied connection to Source.
Professional Studies
- 1975—BA from Rice University, political science and art
- 1975-78—founding member and teacher, Houston Women’s Health Collective
- 1977-80—trained, apprenticed and worked as a direct-entry midwife
- 1978, 1988, 1991—gave birth to 3 babies – now grown – at home
- 1980-2011—Licensed Massage Therapist specializing in energy healing, spiritual and emotional elements of bodywork, Polarity Energy Balancing: nadis, chakras and aura balancing
- 1988—Master’s Degree of Fine Arts in painting from the University of Houston
- 1997-2001 — Trained by Mary Parker in the Akashic Records as practitioner and teacher
- 1999-2007—Techniques Certified Cranial Sacral Therapist with Upledger Institute
- 2000—Certified Flower Essence Practitioner with Flower Essence Services of California.
- 2014–Certified Emotional Connection Facilitator with Raphael Cushnir
- 2015-17–Beginner to Advanced Training in Ontological Design — The Language of Being
- 2016 — Certified in Quantum Lightweaving with Kenji Kumara
- 2017 — Certified by Sonya Sophia and Team Love in Emotional Freedom Technique
- 2018 — Trained in Sacred Systems, creating harmonious partnership between feminine and masculine
- 2019 — Continuing Ed Certification — Healing the Pelvic Floor for women, with Suzanne Scurlock, Healing From the Core curriculum. Asheville NC
- 2019 — Continuing Ed — Sacred Song Carriers
- 2019 — Re-certified by Sonya Sophia in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- 2019 — Continuing Ed Certification — Full Body Presence: Grounding and Healthy Boundaries, Therapeutic Presence, with Suzanne Scurlock, Healing From the Core curriculum, Esalen CA
Non-certificate studies in meditation & shamanic practices:
- Herbal medicine
- Women’s health, spirituality and sexuality
- Goddess ceremonies and retreats
- Tai Chi, Chi Gong
- Yoga
- Vipassana and Tibetan Buddhist meditation
- 7 time Sun-Moon Dancer in the pueblo tradition with Beautiful Painted Arrow of the Picaris and Ute nations, New Mexico and Colorado. Initiated as dancer, fire tender and water pourer.
- For the One Dance international dance for world peace in South Africa with Jeanne White Eagle; dancer and fire tender
- African drumming with Onye Onyemaechi
- Ceremonial Dances for world peace in the US, South Africa and Ireland
- Color and Sound healing
- Aqua Cranial Sacral Therapy with dolphins in the Bahamas
- Swimming with wild dolphins in Hawaii
- Swimming with humpback whales and dolphins in the Silver Banks, Dominican Republic with Joan Ocean
- The Akashic Paradigm, Wisdom school of graduate studies, Ervin Lazlo, Joan Borysenko and Duane Elgin
- Ecstatic Dance Evolution, Houston, TX .
- Artist resume available upon request
- Published essays available upon request
- Foundations of Ritual with Dr. Daniel Foor
- Ancestral Lineage Healing parts 1 & 2 with Dr. Daniel Foor
- Bring Out Your Dead with Dr. Daniel Foor
- Kindling the Need Fire with Dr. Daniel Foor
- Practical Animism parts 1 & 2 with Dr. Daniel Foor
- The Psychology of Animism with Dr. Daniel Foor
Current Studies:
- PTSD–Post Traumatic Systems Development with Organic Intelligence
“Working with you is helping me build the courage to be my best self.” – EB
“I’m feeling reduced anxiety and more grounded. Our time together was quite meaningful.” – JK
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