We are evolving beings. Riding continuous waves of change, our lives unfold.
As our inner conversations evolve, our sense of who we are expands. We can find our capacity to be a spiritual intuitive.
The call to update the tag line on my website to read “Embody your Soul” has been alive in me for months – if not years. My life purpose has deepened and matured. The time has come to shared this tender growth in the world.
This is a little scary. I feel naked. At the same time, I feel humbled. It feels both vulnerable and empowering. My heart feels tender and innocent.
People use the word soul in many different ways. What do I mean when I say “soul?”
Your soul is the animating principle of your human existence. Your soul calls you to go beyond rigid personality traits – “this is just how I am” – or concerns about what others think of you – to move beyond conversations of judgment and fear. Your soul does not act from competition, dominance or unworthiness.
Your soul knows your true nature. You are a spark of Divine Light – an aspect of the creative source of All that Is. Knowing that this is so is key to your spiritual healing.

SEED OF LIGHT, by Nancy Kern
As an artist and spiritual mentor, I want everyone to know: you are seeded with God light or Source energy – call it by whatever name opens your heart and lights you up. From a physics perspective, we are all part of a Unified Field. Each part contains the blueprint – or potential – of the whole.
To Embody your Soul is to organize your life centered around the seed of Light within your being – and to acknowledge that Light and Space are alive in your body. Your body and your soul connect you directly to Source – these are the most intimate relationships you will have throughout your entire life. Your relationships with other people and with the world reflect your relationships with your body, soul and Source.
Some meditation practices and spiritual traditions encourage you to leave your body – as if being disconnected is a higher, godlier state of being. Leaving your body can give you a temporary sensation of weightlessness – freedom from the density and heaviness of life on earth. You may enjoy the flight – AND – YOUR SOUL’S PURPOSE CALLS YOU HERE – to be embodied – on the Earth – in human form. Even though you are more than your body, to come more fully into your spiritual healing, you must also come home to your body. The Divine takes form in your body.
Your life purpose is not to leave your body – but to bring the love, inspiration, mystery and wildness you access in formless realms into your life as a human being.
From the zone between lifetimes, your soul incarnates with the purpose to take form – to be embodied. The root word of incarnate is “incarni” – “to be made flesh.”
On a fundamental level, your purpose is to bring Heaven to Earth. The creative impulse to incarnate our divinity is not just for saints, gurus and mystics; it is for all evolving beings.
As you befriend your body and stay present to the sensations and conversations encoded therein, you access spaces as deep as the cosmos.
Inner space gives your soul the location it needs to be embodied – a home in your body.
Formless realms, including the Akasha – exist inside your body every bit as much as outside in the wider cosmos.
Akasha is a Sanskrit word for space. We “read,” see, hear, feel, and know space through our Divine Spark. When you live into the space in your body, you can experience your most direct link to the infinite.
You can think of your soul as your spiritual personality – to distinguish it from your egoic personality. Your egoic personality is generated by the accumulation of conditioning – from family, genetics, culture, religion and the era in which you live. Heidegger, a twentieth century German philosopher who studied Being, used the term “thrownness.” We are born or thrown into a situation and environment that shapes us.
Souls incarnate with a mission to bring Heaven to Earth. You can’t do this without a body.
You incarnate more fully when you bring consciousness into your wise animal body, uproot your “thrownness” and claim the Seed of Light within.
Here you find Absolute Love. Your Soul has a full life – inspired, guided and surrendered to Source.
You ground your connection to Source when you embody your prayers. Pray with your whole body, with sound, color, movement and sensation.
Your Soul or spiritual personality is a wave pushing into embodiment. Your Soul is the accumulation of wisdom and karma from past incarnations. The Akashic Record is the record of your soul’s journey.
When we have tantrums of fear, rage and resistance to our souls or higher selves – we are resourced in our scared, fragmented human parts – parts that forget we are Love Incarnate.
Being born into a human life is a great forgetting. As our souls enter our bodies, we go through a veil of forgetting who we really are. It is an exciting and exacting journey to uncover and recover our true nature. To me nothing is more compelling or rewarding.
As a spiritual coach and teacher, I teach what I’m here to learn. I make no claims to have all the answers. If you find someone who does make that claim, I recommend you run the other way.
I am devoted to practicing what I’m here to learn. I am happy to reach out a hand when you need support on your human journey. We are all pulling each other through the matrix.
May you Embody Your Soul today,
Big Love,
Congratulations on the beautiful tag line and what a beautiful and wise piece of writing this is…thank you for sharing your work so generously….I am honored to embody my soul today…
Thank you Cin. How wonderful that people who share this concern to prioritize living true to the Seed of Light within us can encourage and support each other. It’s very helpful when we step up to the plate and acknowledge who we are, even if it’s not always comfortable to do so.