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Here you can heal the unhealed places that weigh down your heart and bring up painful memories and emotions. At times, after certain encounters or triggers, you may feel “off,” or numb, and something feels out of balance or misaligned. If you’re highly sensitive and empathic, as I am, there may be times you sense energy that feels ‘not me.’ The collective emotional field is full of debris that can influence your life in negative ways. In this case, energy clearing and boundary setting is key.
Anyplace within us that we call unlovable is an unhealed place. We can locate the origins in past lives, prenatal experiences, birth, family dysfunction, ancestral patterns, religious trauma and cultural breakdown. Dislocation and disruption of traditional earth-based healing has created for many people a loss of a identity. Because of global migration, colonizing, genocide and enslavement, we’ve all been hurt. We’re all related to perpetrators and victims, and this is our inheritance.
We’re meeting the unhealed places in ourselves to help heal our lineages and consciously assist in the collective healing of all peoples. We have technologies now that blend ancient and contemporary ways to heal trauma and interrupt the epigenetic transmissions of PTSD from one generation to the next.
In your session, I weave together 3 potent paths: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping, Flower Essences and Akashic Records. My approach is grounded and embodied.
You don’t have to choose which modality you need. My helpers and yours will guide your session and weave the flows of these wonderful ways together, with the highest intention: to support you getting clearer about your issue, while feeling protected, grounded, embodied and loved.
Akashic Record
“And now we are aware of the Radiance of Light, and open to receive Wisdom, Insight and Compassion from the Akashic Record.” This is the opening line of the invocation I use to open the Record.
Opening the Akashic lifts the veil between seen and unseen worlds. The Akashic record stores root causes of blocks in relationships, health, family, purpose, money and more.
Root causes hold the seeds of the current situation. Solutions are implemented in the present. Akasha is not about the past per se, though past lives and ancestral patterns can be uncovered. When we are in the Akashic, we are in an expanded state of awareness, free from fear, judgment and resistance to our shadow bits. If you are open to receive, you can get a powerful felt sense of Love from the Source of All Love.
Transformation requires compassion for self and others–those who have harmed you and those you have harmed–and willingness to your surrender personal will to your soul’s expanded experience. Transforming emotions, thoughts and beliefs frees you to Learn more
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Emotions are physical sensations coupled with thoughts. Physical sensations are messages from your intelligent body. When you learn to be present to physical sensations and distinguish them from thoughts, you neither repress your emotions nor act out. You recover from upset with greater ease. Learn more
Flower Essences
Flower essences strengthen your connection to your Higher Self and free you from conditioned emotions. I recommend flower essences to help you integrate the insights and healing you receive in your sessions. They help navigate through change and loss; own your power; be more centered, grounded and focused; repair the impact of trauma…Learn more
“I have such great appreciation for the value of the work you do. It’s mind-blowing how deep and infinite it is! – BR
“Thank you so much for your heartfelt dedication to the upliftment of others, for holding space to journey into the authentic wisdom and beauty of our Inner Self—a journey that brings healing and lasting change in so many areas of life. With tons of love,” LK
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