Guidance, insight and wisdom from the Akasha provides peace and comfort to the dying and their grieving friends and family. At the end of life, unspoken conversations and unfinished business come to the surface to be processed and released.
As the veil between life in a body and the formless realms thins, people become more sensitive. With support from the Akashic Record, unsettling emotions and relationship dynamics can be buffered, eased or transformed.
Birth and death are times of great importance for the soul as it detaches from the body. How one dies imprints the soul. My work with past lives in the Akashic Record indicates that significant unresolved emotions can carry over into future incarnations.
A higher perspective brings grace, wisdom and kindness to the challenges of loss and letting go.
Akasha is a formless realm where our souls originate and to which they return. Spiritual hospice is a form of midwifery. For five years, I attended home births, both as a midwife and an assistant. The spiritual dynamics incarnation through gestation and birth are mirrored in the transition of dying.
Birth and death have great significance for me on universal and personal levels. At age twenty-three, I birthed my first baby with my own hands and lost a dearly beloved sister on the same day. This juxtaposition of birth and death initiated me into a great mystery.
I experienced the liminal space between life and death and changed the course of my life. In the liminal space, I found my sister’s soul lost and wandering. I helped her find her way to her guides, to be embraced by Absolute Love and move into the Light beyond.
Just as midwives ease the birth of a baby beginning life in a body, people who are dying deserve spiritual attendance at the end of life.
Here are ways that spiritual coaching for hospice can be helpful:
- Infusing the space around the dying person with peace and comfort to ease their way and soften the grieving process for loved ones who are being left behind
- Easing fears of death
- Easing fears about what happens in the afterlife
- Taking care of the caregiver: bringing strength and reassurance to you as a support person
- Buffering disruptive family dynamics to decrease stress
- Facilitating completion of unfinished business, letting go and making peace
- Clearing the energy field and infusing the space around the dying with Light
- For the dying, calling their guides and helping them connect
- Easing the soul’s release from the body
- Clearing beliefs that create suffering, including fear, guilt and resistance
- Bringing love and compassion to all concerned
- Support at the crossroads where the soul’s journey calls for completing and releasing karma
- Illuminating the passage to the space of pure Light
Most hospice sessions are done by email, which gives you a written report to refer to as needed. Telephone, Skype, or in person sessions are also options.
“There is no death. Only a change of worlds.”–Chief Seattle
NOTE: If spiritual hospice, for you or a loved one, resonates with your heart, contact Nancy here.