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Individual Session Shares
Sacredness. Integrity. Accuracy
Months later, I can recall my experience with Nancy as if it was yesterday.
It was my first time working with the Akashic Records. Nancy made the slight nervousness that I felt at the beginning disappear when she began the session with a prayer acknowledging the keepers of the files and the wisdom, insight and compassion they offer.
Right away, I recognized the sacredness of her work and the integrity she brings to her sessions. A few minutes into my session, Nancy was able to tap into my woundedness immediately. What's more, she was the first healer (I have worked with many in the past, on this subject) to identify the exact age that my deepest wounding occurred—which was age 10. I was surprised and elated that she got it right without any prompting.
Throughout the session, Nancy's love, empathy, and compassion provided a safe space to be fully myself and to experience long overdue healing. To conclude the session, Nancy ended with another sacred prayer to the Akashic Record Keepers, which in my opinion, signifies the sacredness of her work.
Much gratitude and appreciation.
Debra, Brooklyn, NY
Results After my First Session
The flower essence you gave me helped in discernible ways. It helped me with anxiety and helped me feel OK being me. It is so neat that it could work so quickly.
When I saw you, I was experiencing a mild flare up (about 3 weeks in). I'm glad I came that specific day, because the head pain was elevated. I'm not sure how I would have performed on my oral exam if I were not using the sensate focusing process you taught me.
Due to the pain, I decided to do the process in the morning as soon as I woke up. I notice it helped the day move better. I felt more in the flow.
Now my symptoms have decreased to what I would say is my ideal state.
Thank you, Nancy!
Jessica Rendon, Intuitive Healer, Houston
Seeing Colors
Thank you so much for yesterday’s session. While we were doing EFT tapping (emotional freedom technique), I kept seeing blooms of colors fade in and out. Here’s a quick watercolor sketch of the experience. With Love, Kathleen Funk, Acufuncture, Houston.
Stronger boundaries and freedom from anger
I’ve felt so much more freedom since my session, in myself and energetically in my field. I’ve been able to use irritation and anger, when I feel it, to set energetic boundaries. (YAY!!! I'm pausing now for a moment to appreciate my anger. I have not done this before.)
Thank you for such a deep dive and skillful facilitation moving powerful energies through my field. Also thank you for structuring an extended session for me and keeping pace with the energies with care and love for our nervous systems. I appreciate both your body and spirit wisdom. Thank you!
In much appreciation and Love,
Anne Parker, age 27, PhD student, Rice University, Houston
More centered and grounded in chaotic situations
I am very grateful for the Reading I had with you. A lot more was going on than I could be aware of. I could feel the present moment opening to allow a deeper perspective to come forward. For this reason I know the healings you offer are very helpful.
When I listened to the recording, I could follow the threads of what was revealed, and see how they related to the issues I was struggling with. The insights gave me a new perspective to bring to my meditations. I released old fears that were blocking my expanding awareness. Old emotional attachments released and new perceptions emerged.
I could feel my high heart engage in a very grounded way. I love that! I want to continue to feel that grounded in my everyday life. Much healing has come from experiencing this depth. When I left the session, memories of a past life came through. Another deeply buried layer came forward for release. Fear released and trust expanded.
To say this sounds easy. Yet what I am actually saying is: that which could no longer keep me bound in lower frequency released - and new, higher vibrations came in. I felt as if I was releasing and integrating for the next three days nonstop.
My reading pointed directly to why I was feeling blocked on my path. I am an energy healer who works with others to transform their energy. The healing I had with you was transformational for me - and for helping me do my work with others.
I trust this process. I know how beneficial it is to care for ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally bring our Spirit into our Embody Light. The session taught me that being in the present moment in a deeply grounded way attunes us to our Hearts in such a way that we can know ourselves as whole and complete, and at the same time, as a work in progress—as we heal and transform. This is such an empowering point of view.
I feel that I now have much needed boundaries. This has improved my ability to engage in chaos and stay centered and balanced....this is huge!
Wow.....three months later, I still feel healing occurring from that session. I definitely had a shift! I am very grateful for the move forward 🙂
I believe that to expand our consciousness, we have to transform beliefs that no longer serve us. Your session really gets to the core—and I appreciate this. Thank you, Nancy.
Ended an abusive relationship
The work you did with me and the wonderful prayer you taught me got the abusive man out of my house.
Stopped fighting fear and stepped out of victim role
Through my work with Nancy and the Akashic Record, I can gratefully say that my life has undergone an amazing, drastic and permanent transformation. My heart and mind is open. I am filled with a tremendous amount of love and gratitude for Source, the world around me and beyond. I’ve developed a strong connection to Source, my guides, angels and departed loved ones that show up to help.
Fear has a much shorter shelf life for me. I have invaluable tools that help me step out of the "victim" role and into gratitude and peace. I am more inspired to embrace my fears, which means to stop fighting fear—love it, let it go—and turn the energy into gratitude and forward motion.
I am stronger, calmer, kinder, gentler and more grounded than I have ever been in my life. Thank you, Nancy, for your love, support and guidance—and for sharing your beautiful gifts with me. I am forever changed and inspired by the work I do with you!
I feel so much love and acceptance, especially from me to me, and I know that is coming through Source. A few years ago, I didn't think this was possible. Through my work with you, it has become a reality! I am grateful and blessed beyond belief!
I feel stronger....more real and whole.
A a few hours after my session, I feel more real and whole. I felt like a paint by number painting that had spaces blank or wrong color. You and great Beings brought through true colors to unite the disconnected spaces. I know this is a process and I will integrate more and more.
I feel more whole and stronger...
You are Spirit guided and authentic. You have a great gift of healing. I am grateful!. I appreciate our session and know I was blessed. Thank you!
Your work can help me continue to evolve
I appreciate your knowledge of how trauma effects early childhood development and neurological pathways. You gave me some understanding of how my history impacted my biology and my emotions. I feel optimistic that your knowledge, methods and guidance can help me continue to evolve.
More confident in my path and more grateful for my life
Nancy helped me connect to my inner voice and the messages in my body. As a result, I feel more confident in my path as a healer and creator. I am more grateful for life and the opportunity to be on Earth at this time.
I really love the way Nancy blends the Akashic Records with the Emotional Connection and Language of Being work. It is very unique and holds space for transformation on many levels.
Our work together felt really deep. I have been able to feel the effects of it long after our session, continuing to explore deeper levels of awareness and understanding.
I recommend her work to people who want to experience the spiritual nature of our lives here on Earth and who want to gain a greater understanding of who they are.
Able to experience things that would be difficult without her support.
Working with Nancy has deepened my inner exploration. Opening the Akashic Records, which I learned how to do from Nancy, has been of immense benefit when I felt baffled by a dream or life problem.
Her skill with the Emotional Connection work is highly developed. I particularly appreciate Nancy's skill at holding energetic space. She creates a deep container for experiencing things would be difficult to encounter without her attuned support.
I'm glad she records the sessions and provides a sound file. Often the contents are somewhat inaccessible to memory. Listening again provides an anchor for both the content and the energetic shift.
Currently I am using Inner Mother and Big Root Jatropha flower essences. Over the years I have used many essences Nancy recommended. I have felt a definite sense of support for the issues I am working through. Nancy has a finely tuned sense of what essences are helpful at a given time.
I recommend Nancy's work to spiritual explorers who are comfortable with non-ordinary states and higher realms of consciousness.
I definitely felt more grounded.
Thank you so much for your support and guidance re: my presentation. I gave it—and it seemed to go well.
I definitely felt more grounded. I practiced the exercises you taught me, took the flower essence a lot and simplified the content some.
I feel so relieved. It was great to feel much more at ease about it—and to know that even if it didn't go well, it would be OK. Some how your telling me that took a great weight off my shoulders.
I also was able to be more self-compassionate—and to let go a little.
Follow up: People seemed to have liked the talk : ) I even got some thank you emails!
Profound — my life is moving with more flow and ease.
Since my session, my life is moving with more flow and ease. I feel an overall sense that all is well and that everything is unfolding perfectly. Talking with Nancy, then going into the Akasha was very profound for me.
I have moved forward with my Green Building opportunities, made connections with people supporting my new business start-up and funding, and taken action on getting my first bid ready for working on a project using my Corksol product.”
Helping me be my best self.
“I am so grateful for your guidance and support. Slowly but surely, working with you is helping me build the courage I need in order to be my best self. I can be quite hard-headed. Our session on Friday brought to light how unnecessary that rough, aggressive energy can be. I really appreciate you sharing the insights the Records have to offer. It’s helped me take some huge steps toward understanding self-compassion and how to be gentle with myself. A million thanks!”
Amazed how my body feels—released stomach tension
“I’m doing well after my session. I am always amazed at the difference. My body just feels different. I released a lot of tension in my stomach. Remember all the dough (I felt in my stomach) in my reading? I saw it as cinnamon rolls being rolled out. I spoke to my nephew on the way home from my session, and guess what? He was making cinnamon rolls! I think he plays a role in my quest for more play in my life. Thanks a lot for everything!”
Most comforting, beautiful, calming, fulfilling, positive, hopeful, powerful, clarifying and loving experience I have ever had
“At the conclusion of yet another disappointing romantic relationship, Nancy and her work with the Akashic Records came to mind as a resource to help end the frustrating pattern — almost as if she knocked on my door to tell me so herself. It is difficult for me to put into words my first experience with Nancy and the Akashic Records, but in an attempt, I would say it was the most emotional, comforting, beautiful, calming, fulfilling, positive, hopeful, powerful, clarifying and loving experience I have ever had in one place and time. It’s as if I had read the first few pages of the best and longest book in the world!
Nancy is able to meet me spiritually, mentally and emotionally. She helped me to identify past experiences that created a rut of emotional trash I was trying (unsuccessfully) to navigate. Through several sessions with Nancy, she has lovingly guided me to identify the hurt and shame of those experiences, and to develop skills to change my perceptions and reactions, in turn helping me to recognize my soul’s potential — all in a positive, loving and safe environment.
Nancy has provided me with tools and insights that have allowed me to benefit from the readings long after our sessions have formally ended. Her gift of reading the Akashic Records and supporting me is done with the highest integrity in a setting of love, peace and absolute trust.”
Understand relationship in a new way—our souls are talking to each other again
“Thank you for the amazing reading. It helped me accept and understand things in a way I didn’t believe possible. My husband and I had the most incredible, sincere, and beautiful conversation yesterday. It was “us” again! By that I mean, our souls and essences are talking to each other again. I’m so grateful for the reading and your help. I feel a sense of peace and security I wasn’t feeling before. I know in my heart that everything will be alright. Thank you so much. You have a beautiful gift and one of the most wonderful jobs in the world. I mean it. I hope you have an amazing day.”
I feel nurtured, encouraged and reassured
“Having a session with Nancy is an amazing, healing and heart-warming experience! I really didn’t know what to expect, as I had never experienced this type of reading before. I trust Nancy implicitly, as a woman of the highest level integrity, so I am able to relax easily in her sacred space. Her grounded presence & deep connection to her guidance leads me to be present, aware and open to hearing the loving messages she delivers.
Working with her, I feel I am being attuned to higher frequencies of pure, loving energy. I feel nurtured, encouraged and reassured about my life’s journey.”
One of the purest, to the core readings I've ever had...
“I was just listening to the session again and feeling the warmth and beauty, softness and resonance. I feel very blessed to have spent this time with you, and thankful that I followed my instincts to meet with you. It was one of the purest, to the core readings I’ve ever had, and my dreams and the waking events since have confirmed it. I felt complete trust. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with me.”
Group Session Shares
Essence of a true teacher
My connection to the Akashic is beyond my human senses. When I opened my eyes at 6 this morning, my first thoughts were how much I enjoy our group. I wish I could put into words what I feel, things that touch me, the camaraderie of the group....
When I'm NOT able to come to class, I feel something missing. Even though I don't have a felt sense of being in the Records, I have a direct knowing. It was a very special session last night...starting with the gentle beginning in your front garden. The ambiance and feel in your home where we met is truly special. It feels homey and delicious---it feels like a healing space.
You hold the essence of a true teacher.
Anne H, Life Coach & loving grandmother
Opened me up to receive and be aligned
You have no idea just how intrinsic and beneficial your gift is to my healing. Your prayers to open and close the Records truly resonate with me, as does the entire blessing. So much speaks directly to me. I feel so blessed to get to experience it!
I participated in the ABC remotely. I sent you my request for the blessing, and you included me in the prayer to open the Akasha. I received the recording and I felt very much a part of the circle.
The information you sent helped me open up to receiving the energies. My entire day Tuesday was so aligned, and my meditations have been so intense. I've been seeing vibrating energy. I’ve been able to communicate with my students in a kinder way.
I fall in love with life, myself and my journey more and more every day. Thank you for your gifts, and for the Akashic Blessing Circle. --Allison, Student, UT Austin
Sacred arms....Divine embrace
Nancy's home, heart, healing gifts,
a rare, soft haven
to allow the sacred arms of grace, beauty, forgiveness, rebirth;
divine embrace cradled me in cool mint,
azure blue, silver threaded weavings,
i was a part of the whole
Keenly aware of the presence of helpful souls in the room
I did not know for sure if I was going to be able to attend the Spring Equinox Akashic Blessing Circle, as I had family in town that weekend. I knew that if I was supposed to attend, Source would make it happen. I let Nancy know I would try to be there.
She told me there would be a seat for me.
As it turned out, activities with the family ended earlier than I originally thought, so I was able to go. When I arrived, the group was larger than usual. I was grateful that there was a place for me. As Nancy began to talk, she introduced the women to each other as old souls.
I realized that the Akashic Blessing Circle is one of the primary circles of souls I am working with and relying on in my soul’s journey.
As Nancy opened the Akashic Records for the group, I felt tingling in my feet—which moved up my legs to my thighs, then stopped. It felt grounding. Then, I felt my head expanding. I was keenly aware of the presence of loving souls in the room.
After the circle, the woman who sat next to me told me that she liked sitting next to me because she could feel my energy. I had not realized I was giving off so much energy—but now I know. Thank you, Nancy, for the continuing enlightenment.
Great clarity about my connection to Source.
Over the first few days afterwards, emotions that had been plaguing me melted away. Of course, they eventually slowly floated back, but I had a great clarity afterwards about my connection to Source—and those emotions didn't seem so strong.
I so enjoyed the feeling of safety and sharing among the group. I felt supported—and still feel connected to these ladies when I think of them or listen to the tape of the blessing.
I listen to the mp3 of the blessing everyday while meditating. The wisdom Nancy shares has given me life-changing insights I carry with me everywhere. Like—the idea of safety; trusting and allowing Source to take care of my needs, creating a space where all of my emotions are neither "good nor bad", they just are—and all I need is to relax so that they can exist in balance. Hearing this everyday brings me peace!
I absolutely recommend the blessing circle! Spiritual and personal growth are both invaluable. I’m craving a monthly circle!
Nancy is so spiritually aligned and centered, yet human, accessible and in no way intimidating. I feel safe with her. Being in her presence is a blessing as well as an opportunity to grow.
I listen to the mp3 files every day, more than once a day. They bring me peace and insight. I’d love to have monthly circles! Thank you for supporting my spiritual growth and journey.
I was in full alignment with my inner being.
When you opened the Record, I had a sudden shift. I could feel a different vibration in my body. My breathing slowed down. I think I traveled between lives.
I saw how I could manage myself when I talk about healing with other physicians. I have all the knowledge I need; all the wisdom and experience. I saw myself in my residency. I was leading the residents and I was fully present, in full alignment with my inner being. I was also taking care of patients.
I felt an indescribable love I've never experienced before
I took the Inner Jewel class with Nancy. I knew this was going to be a special class. I knew I was meant to take it, but I wasn’t sure what all would come of it. I knew this would be revealed.
With the first class, the veil between my deeper heart and me started to lift. I have heard about heart connection, and “feeling with your heart.” While I thought I knew what that meant, I realized how wrong I was.
For the first time ever, I could truly feel—literally, physically feel what it was like to feel from my heart, in my heart. I felt an indescribable love that I have never experienced before.
With each class, more special moments occurred that touched me on both a personal and professional level. Nancy has a beautiful and compassionate spirit that guides you gently through your Inner Jewel journey.
Thank you, Nancy, for enabling me to come into alignment with my body, my heart and my Soul. I know I will never look at my heart the same way again. Blessings and hugs!
Email Session Shares
I felt a huge YES in my heart.
When you described the service that I have to offer the world through my work, I felt a huge YES in my heart. Absolutely! THIS IS IT!!! THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO IMPART! Your words were, ”I see you becoming more and more comfortable with being seen, for you know that it is God that people are seeing, the God within themselves that you are reflecting back to them.” This is ABSOLUTELY the role I wish to stand in.
All the questions in my heart are addressed in your words
When I read the email report, I cried through the first half. I felt so peaceful through the second. I’ll read this again and again. All the questions in my heart are addressed in your words. I knew there was no need to forgive anyone for anything—I simply wanted to offer my inner, unborn, fetal consciousness—all the way to my teen self—the love and support I have for myself now, in present time. As an adult who has done so much inner work, I now sense this huge integration happening.
Email report allowed space to receive without distractions
I’m glad I tried the written report. I found it a more effective way to receive my reading, without the distraction of my interjections and asides in a face-to-face meeting. I was truly able to ask my questions, and get out of my own way. Thank you so much!!
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