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Welcome your Soul Home to your Body

Even though you may be familiar with chakras and auras, you may not know that you can support your health and well being by giving them quality attention. Just as you exercise, bathe, eat well and clean your teeth, your etheric body contributes to the health of your physical body.

You can support your well being in many ways. This article will teach you how to attend to the subtle energy flows that make life possible.

I’m happy to share my personal practice with you. May it give you an effective way to support your well being on all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

There comes a time for many of us – when fulfilling our soul’s purpose becomes the central organizing force of our lives. This practice will help you do that. You can start wherever you are – whether you consider yourself to be a beginner or more advanced, the practice is effective.

Energy precedes matter. Working with your chakras and your aura helps organize space for your Soul to incarnate more fully into your body.

In this article, I offer a simple and effective way to do this in your home practice. Best of all, it’s fun and playful. This practice, done daily or weekly, will help clear and strengthen you on all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

Below is a simple, step by step guide to energy self-healing for your chakras and aura. You can follow this guide alone or with friends.

What may happen as a result of doing this practice? Based on results in my personal life, as well as clients I’ve worked with, you increase the probability of feeling more grounded, expanded and clear. You have less anxiety, more calm. You make more grounded choices. You move through the world feeling supported.

When you clear, restore and revitalize your twelve chakras and the 3 layers of your “energy egg,” you may have the blissful feeling of your soul dwelling more fully and coherently in your body. Even if this feeling persists for only 30 minutes a day, the energy will accrue in your body – bringing about slow, gradual change.

Your soul incarnates to experience the manifest world – so it can evolve – and so Source can incarnate into form. Your soul needs to occupy your body in order to fulfill its purpose in this lifetime. Your soul wants to live in a welcoming, spacious home, where it feels acknowledged and cared for.

How do we make our homes feel welcoming and spacious? We declutter them; we organize the space so that supportive energies can flow through it. We let go of what isn’t beautiful, or what we don’t need or love. Doing this, we open space to receive what nourishes us.

You can do this with your body – which is Home for your soul in this lifetime – through focusing your attention on your chakras and your aura.

Nancy 12.1

Vortex, acrylic on canvas by Nancy Kern ©

To start:

Find a quiet place where you will be uninterrupted for ten to thirty minutes – as your schedule allows.

Sit comfortably in a chair or on a cushion on the floor, with your spine reasonably erect. Find your sit bones. Rock slightly forward and back, and side to side on your sit bones – until you sense the alignment that supports energy flowing through your spine. Then check the position of your head – you may need to slightly tuck your chin.

Take three deep, cleansing breaths. Inhale Light, from the Source of All Light. Imagine Light running through your pranic tube, the central vessel that runs from your tailbone to your crown, deep in the body at the level of your spine. Exhale Light out your tailbone, down your legs and out your feet, sending roots of Light into the earth.

Imagine the roots of light tunneling down, all the way down, deep into the center of the earth. When you get there, you may have a sensation of dropping an anchor. Your body feels safe and secure when you tap into earth energy – a deep source of creation and support for you, on all levels.

Settle in to feeling grounded.

Then, begin to hum. Astrophysicists have documented what spiritual teachers have taught for millennia: that the universe has a sound. It hums. By humming, you create resonance in the sound chamber of your body. In this case, you are using sound to align your body with the sound of the universe. You can use one of these words from worldwide spiritual traditions: hum, hung, amen or ameen. I use hum or hung. Keep your lips closed, your teeth open, and your tongue lightly resting on the roof of your mouth.

As you make the sound, feel the vibration in your bones. Play with it – move it around in your body by changing the pitch.

Hum on the out breath – then pause in silence – to sense the vibrations in your body. Repeat this several times – to open the energy flows for the colored light meditations that follow.

If you have only a few minutes, stop here. Go out and enjoy your day, knowing that you are aligned with the earth and with the cosmos – you are supported by forces larger than you.

If you have more time, begin to run colored light through your body’s seven major chakras.  Each chakra, the color associated with it and its Sanskrit name is listed below:

  1. Red light for the root chakra, located in the tailbone area – muladhara
  2. Orange light for the 2nd chakra, located below the navel – swadhisthana
  3. Yellow light for the 3rd chakra, the solar plexus – manipura
  4. Green light for the 4th chakra, the heart, located at the upper center of your chest – anahata
  5. Blue light for your 5th charka, located at the throat – vishuddha
  6. Indigo or violet light for your third eye, located at the center of your forehead – ajna
  7. Clear, colorless light for your crown, located at the top of your head – sahasrara
  8. Continue to hum as desired – combining sound with light if you wish
  9. Take rests. Stay awake but silent – and continue to renew your awareness of energy moving through your body.

In the next article, I will continue with chakras 8-12, which are around your body – but not in or on it.

If you try this practice, I’d love to hear back from you how it goes.

May you have ease of well being.

In loving kindness,

posted in Spiritual Coaching
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