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What’s your worry?
Live EFT tap for emotional support riding the waves in Pandemic times

Each week we’re dealing with Covid-19 has a different feel. A different theme. Our collective experience can be chaotic and confusing. We also have our own individual circumstances and ways of processing emotions. Many people report high levels of anxiety, fear and grief due to the corona virus.

The specter of death is seen by the Soul as an invitation to do shadow work.

Supporting people doing shadow work is my passion and my super power. Tapping is a gentle yet powerful way to journey into the shadow safely and come out refreshed, with a new perspective–a new way to see and be.

In Chinese medicine, emotions originate in the organs of our bodies. In EFT, we’re tapping on meridian endpoints, which helps stuck or frozen emotions flow. When they flow, we feel freer, as if a weight has lifted. Feeling more grounded and at peace supports your immune system, your nervous and endocrine systems, your digestion — your health overall. And brings more ease into relationships. 

Join our tapping circle on Zoom. Bring your angst, your worries and stresses. Tapping is a somatic process that literally moves emotions through your body and brings relief and a perspective shift.

However you’re feeling, bring it to the tap and watch it transform into a more self-loving, kinder, grounded way of moving through.

This tap will be recorded, and the video will be available for replay anytime you want to do the tap again.

We’ll start with a brief introduction to tapping, and a guided grounding meditation and then we’ll tap. Newcomers to tapping are welcome.

DATE: Thursday, April 30 at 10:30 PST, 12:30 CST, 1:30 EST
Duration: 90 minutes 

COST: $25, includes prep kit & access to replay

Email me if you have any questions about this event.

Please pay and register below.


After paying register here to receive Zoom link & Tapping Preparation kit, along with tips for self care after the tap. Preparation takes about 10 minutes and is optional.

Anyone you’d like to invite is welcome. Invite people you’d feel comfortable in a shared space of some degree of vulnerability.


posted in EFT Tapping, Spiritual Coaching
{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Wendy April 23, 2020, 2:49 pm

    Thank you Nancy. This has helped me so much in dealing with emotions that are coming up during the pandemic. I find it calming, loving and self nurturing. Your guided instructions throughout the tap seemed as if you knew exactly what I needed and how my mind was spinning. Your explanations are helpful too. I listened to the turbo tap on strong emotions and it makes so much sense. That is a wonderful technique to have. Thank you again for providing this healing.

  • Nancy Kern April 27, 2020, 1:14 pm

    Wonderful, Wendy, I’m so glad it was helpful and makes sense. I agree about tapping being a wonderful resource for when our minds are spinning and our emotions are in turmoil. It works so well for me, which is why I became a practitioner of EFT. It’s helped me heal emotionally so much.

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